Northwell Clean has Landed!

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Northwell Clean has Landed!


My handwritten script font Northwell has certainly been on one a heck of a journey since it’s launch in 2016. It’s been involved in world records and even taken to the skies! What better way to celebrate and thank you all for your support than with a new makeover for 2020? Introducing; Northwell Clean! I’ve now included additional versions of all 3 Northwell fonts, with completely filled-in strokes & silky-smooth edges. This gives you the option to completely switch the style of your font at the click of a mouse, whether you’re looking for the more rustic, textured style of the original Northwell fonts, or the silky smooth finish of the new Northwell Clean fonts. The choice is yours!

The solid, smooth edges of the clean versions are also perfect for specialist printing techniques such as laser or vinyl cutting, so whip out those Cricut & Silhouette machines and show me what you can do!

If you’re a customer who has previously purchased Northwell from my website and would like a copy of the Northwell Clean fonts, it’s a totally free update for you! Please login to your account (or create a new one using the same e-mail address which you made the purchase from), and simply re-download the Northwell font from your account page.

If you run into any trouble, please forward your purchase receipt to sa*@se************.com and I will get the new files over to you as soon as possible. If you’re a customer from Creative Market, you can simply login and re-download the product from the font page to receive a copy of the new files.

I hope you all enjoy it, and wishing you a happy and healthy 2020!

~ Sam

Take a look at Northwell in my Font Shop for your next design project!

Northwell Font →

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