Opulent SVG Font • Install & Use
Hey guys! In this video tutorial I take closer look at my font Opulent, with a quick guide showing how to use the SVG version in Photoshop and Illustrator. Check out the font in my store below!
Opulent Font →
Hey guys! In this video tutorial I take closer look at my font Opulent, with a quick guide showing how to use the SVG version in Photoshop and Illustrator. Check out the font in my store below!
Opulent Font →
Hey there! This font is beautiful! I just purchased it and wasn’t paying attention that I can’t use the SVG file in InDesign? Am I able to rasterize it there to change color as well? Thanks!
Hi Ashley, thanks so much for your purchase! I’m glad you like it. The SVG won’t work as typeable text in ID unfortunately – you’d need to type it out in Photoshop or Illustrator, colour & rasterise it there (or save it as a .png), and then paste that into ID as an image. The ‘Brush’ and ‘Solid’ versions however will work completely as normal in ID.
For some reason I thought you were from USA….. Thanks for the video!
No problem Ryan! Hope you found it useful.