Editing Logo Templates in the Amoret Font Collection
Hi guys, here’s a quick look at editing the Photoshop and Illustrator logo templates included with my Amoret Font Collection. In this tutorial I take 2 of the pre-designed templates and edit the text & colours to create my own custom logo designs. Check out the font in my store below!
How can we edit if we do not have Photoshop or Illustrator?
Hi Allie! The logo templates are provided in .AI and .PSD formats so you will need either Photoshop, Illustrator, or a program that can open one of these formats (e.g. Affinity Designer). These programs all offer free trials if you wanted to try them out!
Please note the logo templates are not essential to use the fonts – the Amoret fonts can still be installed to your computer and used with any graphics or text programs you have available, or used with online design applications like Canva. The logo templates are simply some pre-made logo ideas using the Amoret fonts for you to edit or build on, to help save you some time. You’re free to re-create them in other programs, it might just take a little longer.
I hope that helps!