Apply Gold Texture to Font in Photoshop
Hey guys, Sam here! In this tutorial I’m going to show you how to apply an image of gold foil to a text layer via the clipping mask method in Adobe Photoshop.
Thanks for watching! 🙂
Hey guys, Sam here! In this tutorial I’m going to show you how to apply an image of gold foil to a text layer via the clipping mask method in Adobe Photoshop.
Thanks for watching! 🙂
Hi I wanted to see if I could get emailed the gold foil texture seen in the video. I just purchased the Black Diamond font. Thanks
Hi Daniel,
Thanks for your purchase! Of course, I’ve just sent that over to the e-mail you used here 🙂
Hi Sam,
I would also like to request the foil texture please 🙂
Hi Alex,
No problem! You can grab a copy of this texture at http://www.myfreetextures.com/gold-background-of-a-sheet-of-finely-crinkled-metal-foil/
Hi Sam , This sis such a useful tutorial. Do you know how to adda foil texture to a symbol? I bought this and have made a lovely logo with your font.
Thanks Ally
Hi Ally, thanks for your comment, I’m really glad you found it useful! Yes it would be exactly the same technique adding the foil texture to a symbol, if you’re working with the PSD files in Photoshop. Just place the foil texture in the layer directly above the symbol in the layers panel, and then follow the same steps in the video (right click the foil layer and select ‘create clipping mask’). This will apply the foil texture layer to the symbol layer directly below it. I hope that helps!